Recycle at home. According to Save the Rainforest, recycling everything possible can make an impact. Items to recycle include: newspapers, glass, aluminum and motor oil. Recycling these items reduce the need for raw materials from rainforests, or prevent harmful chemicals from entering the environment, ultimately harming rainforests.
Join a conservation organization. By joining a conservation organization, your dues help to further the cause and usually supply you with a newsletter, informing you of the conservation effort's progress. Organizations to consider include: the World Wildlife Fund, the World Land Trust and Save the Rainforest
Donate to land acquisition organizations, such as the World Land Trust and Piqquo Projects. Many of these organizations are protecting South American rainforests by purchasing large tracts of rainforest, preventing acquisition by corporations. This land also serves as conservation research and protection areas.
Volunteer your time to conservation projects. Many conservation projects sponsor volunteer programs, and can also help you organize fundraising events.