Things You'll Need
Determine the type of buffalo herd you want. Contact your local Indiana county extension office to locate a breeder from whom you can purchase starter animals.
Consult with the county extension office or USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service for help in figuring out how many animals you can stock on Indiana farmland you have available.
Purchase cattle fencing at least six feet in height and install around your pasture to contain your herd. Ensure that there is an adequate water supply, such as a clean, fresh-water pond, stream or water troughs connected to a hose.
Find an experienced Indiana breeder through groups like the National Bison Association or Eastern Bison Association to purchase your first animals. Contact an agricultural veterinarian to vaccinate and de-worm your herd.
Cull your mature herd of any infertile bulls or cows that fail to produce calves after the first couple of seasons. Replace bulls on a three-year cycle.
Apply hay to your pasture or set up grain feeders to complement hard-to-access pasture grass during the winter if there is a deep snow cover.