Physical Appearance
Thought to have originated in west central Italy, Chianinas are tall, lean and muscular with particularly well-formed shoulders, back and rear quarters, which makes for quality meat production. Their coats are short, smooth and either white or gray. And their pigmentation is mainly black, which makes them particularly resistant to cancer of the eye.
Because of their strong hooves, long legs, tough nature and ability to tolerate high heat, Chianinas do well on rough as well as easy terrain. This makes them a versatile breed of cattle.
Chianinas have particularly small heads, so when they reproduce they have few problems delivering their calves. They also have a high rate of delivering twins, thus producing more potential beef for human consumption.
Chianinas as Food Producers
As beef producers, the breed is known for its lean cuts of meat. Even though the meat is free of excess fat, it still has just the right touch of marbling around the muscles. Because Chianinas are slow to mature, they also make for good older cuts of beef. However, the cow's small udder makes for minimal milk production except for the first 120 days after calving.