There are hundreds of species of clownfish in various colors including red, orange and purple. They typically have large, vertical stripes in contrasting colors. Their small size is among their adaptation, as their size enables them to hide from predators among anemones. The largest of the clownfish only grow to be 6 inches long.
Clownfish live in a symbiotic relationship with another sea organism called an anemone. The anemone has long tentacles that typically sting the fish that wander into it. Clownfish have a protective mucous that shields them from the anemone's sting. In return for its generosity, the clownfish will chase away other fish that may attempt to nibble on the anemone's tentacles, and the clownfish will also clean up waste materials from the anemone. Several clownfish may inhabit a single anemone.
Within a group of clownfish living in an anemone, there will be only one pair that actually reproduces. This is a behavioral adaptation that enables only the strongest and healthiest of the fish to reproduce. The dominant pair will actually prevent the other fish from mating by chasing and nipping them.
Gender Changing
The clownfish has a unique adaptation in that it is capable of changing its gender. There are other fish that do this, but the clownfish has the rare ability to change from male to female. If the dominant female does, the dominant male will go through a physical change in which it will become a female. The next most dominant male will then take over as the male of the mating pair.