Canada Goose
The Canada goose and its subspecies spend their entire life cycle in North America, and can be found in every Canadian province and U.S. state at some point during each year. They are a large bird with a long black neck and head and a white stripe under the chin, a grayish-brown back and wings and a white underbelly. During the breeding season, the Canada goose resides in the northern U.S. and Canada, then migrates south into the southern United States and parts of Northern Mexico during the winter.
The osprey is a bird of prey that mainly eats fish, and nests near rivers and lakes. It has subspecies on North America, South America, Australia and parts of Africa and Asia. Ospreys have mostly black bodies with white markings on their wings and head and a completely white belly. During the breeding season, most ospreys reside in Canada, the Pacific Northwest and the Great Lakes areas, then migrate through the rest of the U.S. and down into South America. The only region where ospreys do not migrate and live year round is in Florida.
Arctic Tern
The Arctic tern is known for having the greatest migration distance of any bird, flying from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic every year. It is a sea bird that has a black head and a gray and white body, and is comparable in size to a sea gull. It resides during the breeding season in the Arctic regions of Alaska and Canada, then flies over the ocean to its winter home in Antarctica.
Ring-Necked Duck
The ring-necked duck is a species of diving duck that is mostly black with a white belly and white markings on its wings. It has a small, white ring around its bill and a subtle purple ring around its neck, barely noticeable unless in the right light. The ring-necked duck breeds mostly in Canada, migrating through the U.S. to winter in the southern states and Mexico.