The Stink Bug of Pennsylvania
There are several species of stink bugs; however, the Halyomorpha halys is the particular species creating a problem in Pennsylvania. Stink bugs were accidentally introduced in Allentown, Pennsylvania in September 1998. Because of the shorter summers than in their native habitat, stink bugs in most of the U.S. are limited to reproducing once a year. Currently, the stink bug inhabits 37 counties of Pennsylvania including Delaware and Philadelphia.
The Problems Stink Bugs Cause
The major problem the Halyomorpha halys creates is damage to agricultural crops and orchards. As the insect feeds on fruits and vegetables on the vine, it leaves behind large, dark-brown bruises that start decomposing the pulp. Once produce becomes bruised by the stink bugs' feeding activity and secretions, it cannot be sold as fresh produce. This reduces the crops' lifespan and marketability. The only problem these insects create for homeowners is the foul smell produced when they are squashed inside the home.
The average size of a stinkbug is about 17 mm., which about a half-inch. Because of their unique shield-like shape, stink bugs are about as wide as they are long, which gives the bug an almost square appearance. The glands that are responsible for emitting the pungent odor are located on the dorsal surface of the abdomen and under the thorax. The head, thorax and legs are black with the abdomen being yellowish-red. The femurs of each leg and the thorax are equipped with spines that help give the insect its prickly appearance.
Prevention and Control
To prevent stink bugs from entering a building or home, it is recommended to have flush-fitting screens in all windows and seal any cracks that lead to the outside to prevent entry. Once a building is infested, pesticides and a treatment regimen must be established according to the level and location of infestation. If all the stink bugs in the house are killed at once, the corpses left as a result will begin to decay and attract carrion-feeding insects.