General Characteristics
Finches are a small species of songbird that are commonly raised and sold as pets. The largest variety of finch typically grows to be only 6 inches tall. Probably the most recognized variety of finch is the canary, known for its bright yellow color and voice. Coloration varies tremendously in finches from brown to green, yellow to zebra striped, and even black.
The Ploceidae family of seed-eating finches are primarily found in Africa. These varieties of finches are not typically bred as pets. Weavers and Whydahs are the two most well-known varieties of this family. Weavers get their name from the type of woven nests that they build. The Whydah has a very different nesting practice as it is a parasitic bird that lays its eggs among those of other birds.
The Fringillidae family of finches is particularly known for strong skulls, jaws and grooved beaks used for cracking seeds. The canary, which has been bred for more than 300 years, belongs to this family. All finches are considered to be very vocal, but this particular family is known for its superior singing ability.
The Estrildidae family, also referred to as "wax-bills," is the most colorful of the three finch families. These finches lack the singing ability of the Fringilldae family, but they are still considered to be a very vocal group of birds. Wax-bills prefer the company of other wax bills, and it is not uncommon for them to be seen in flocks of more than 100 birds. Species include red-eared, strawberry and lavender varieties.