The gestation period for polar bears is about eight months. At birth, cubs weigh between 16 and 24 oz. They will open their eyes within the first month of life and begin walking during the second month. The cubs will stay with their mother for about 30 months as they learn to hunt from their mother. Adult females are smaller than males, weighing 330 to 665 lbs. Males typically weigh between 775 and 1,200 lbs.
Surviving Cold
Insulation is provided by two layers of fur. This enables the polar bear to maintain the same metabolic rate at cold temperatures. This is important for the bear's survival because it does not have to have more food to maintain body heat. The bears also have small ears and tails to reduce heat loss. Most heat is lost through the nose, but in extreme temperatures, bears will cover their noses with their furry paws to retain warmth.
Polar bears have powerful jaws and claws that they use to break through the ice and kill prey such as seals and walruses. Sometimes they will make holes in the ice and then lie in wait until another animal surfaces for air. Then the bear will seize the animal and kill it. Polar bears' white coloration allows for ideal camouflage in the icy, snowy environment. They have keen senses of sight, smell and hearing to make them effective hunters.
Polar bears live on large sheets of ice, and they prey on animals that spend a considerable amount of time in water. Naturally they have certain adaptations that improve their swimming capabilities. Polar bears have webbed toes that enable them to paddle through water effectively. They also have nostrils that close so they can swim underwater for short periods of time.