Millipedes are wormlike arthropods. The millipede's body is broken down into individual segments. Each segment has two pairs of legs except for the first few segments towards the head of the animal. Millipedes eat dead vegetation, including decaying fruits. This aids in the destruction process of decomposition which helps break down the fruit into smaller and smaller pieces and finally into its chemical components.
Sow Bugs
Sow bugs -- also called woodlice, pill bugs and roly-polies, because many will roll into a ball when threatened -- are small segmented arthropods which have 7 pairs of legs and 2 pair of antenna. Sow bugs are nocturnal and are typically found under rocks and logs and require most conditions for survival. Sow bugs eat dead plant vegetation along with fungi and are considered decomposers.
Springtails are very small insects, no more than 1/4 inches in length. The springtail can be white, bluish grey or metallic in color. The springtail gets its name from its ability to jump when threatened. The insect is found on decomposing plants, pollen, grains and fungi.
Nematodes, Flatworms and Rotifers.
Nematodes, flatworms and rotifers are all wormlike creatures that can be found decomposing plant vegetation. Not all nematodes, flatworms and rotifers are decomposers. For example certain species of nematodes will eat protozoa, bacteria and other nematodes. This small worm will also eat dead and decaying plant material.
There are over 1800 species of earthworms. The worms require moist conditions and will die if dried out. Earthworms eat both plant and animal materials. The waste of earthworms is very high in nutrients. Earthworms also play a critical role in aerating the soil for plants.