Wildlife Rescue
Many species of animals in rain forest ecosystems face illegal trade on the meat and pet black markets, unnatural habitat destruction and ultimately extinction. The World Society for the Protection of Animals leads a project to rescue orangutans suffering from starvation or injury and protect them from poachers and palm oil plantation workers protecting crops. These projects require quite a bit of funding. Because of the high costs, wildlife rescue facilities are not yet common in the rain forests.
Reforestation Efforts
Organizations across the world collaborate with the United Nations Environment Programme with pledges to plant trees in previously deforested areas. A major factor in these projects is planting the flora that grew there naturally before human involvement. As the results of the reforestation efforts become established, native animals begin to reclaim the area as well. Over time the natural balance is restored. More than 30 million trees have been planted on thousands of acres throughout Africa and other countries since 1977.
Camera Trap Programs
Camera features such as motion detection and timed photos allow scientists to leave cameras set up in remote locations and capture pictures of animals in their natural habitat. The objective is to develop as much information as possible about the behavior and ecology of all fauna in an area. The use of mineral licks gives researches an idea of what nutrients the animals lack and are seeking out. The overall health of the ecosystem is estimated based on the data provided in the pictures.
Protected Parks
It is common in the United States to designate and protect certain categories of land as national wildlife preserves. This idea has been extended to countries that still have natural rain forest land. However, this pursuit may be an idealistic theory because indigenous people in these areas literally hunt and gather food and other supplies for daily consumption in the rain forest. Illegal logging and poaching also is a problem in areas lacking the resources to properly police and maintain these areas.