Tree Squirrels
The adult western gray tree squirrel is an average 22 inches long, weighs 1.5 to 2 lbs. and has a bushy, frosted tail. An avid climber, it is salt-and-pepper colored or silvery gray and has no stripes or spots. Western gray squirrels mainly live in parts of California, Oregon and Washington, particularly on the western side of the Cascade Mountains.
The adult eastern fox tree squirrel is an average 29 inches long, has a bushy tail and a square head and weighs an average of 3 Ibs. Its coat is light brown or sometimes reddish or orange. The squirrel is found throughout eastern North America, but also lives in parts of Europe, South Africa and Australia.
Ground Squirrels
Ground squirrels run to their burrows if they feel threatened instead of up a tree. These tiny squirrels average 7 to 8 inches long and weigh 8 to 14 oz. They are considered a menace to farmers and gardeners because they eat vegetables and other field crops. They are most common in the Great Plains states, but can be found throughout North America.
Chipmunks are a tiny North American squirrel species that also can be found in Asia. They are easily differentiated from ground squirrels by the stripes that run across their faces and backs. They are similar in size and weight to ground squirrels. Chipmunks are usually reddish-brown, black, gray, white, brown or beige.
Marmots' lifestyles are similar to those of ground squirrels; they roam the land and dwell in burrows. They are the largest breed of squirrel at roughly the size of a house cat. The range in length from 20 to 37 inches and have coarse brown fur with tips of white. Marmots live in the Sierra Nevada mountains of the United States, in northern Canada and in the Rocky Mountains, the Pyrenees and the Alps.
Flying Squirrels
Flying squirrels don't actually fly, they glide. Northern flying squirrels navigate from tree to tree, opening their arms to reveal the folds of thin skin they use to glide with. Flying squirrels can glide more than 66 feet. Their tails are broad and flattened to help them fly. The squirrels measure roughly 8 inches long and have white bellies and gray tops. They also can be reddish-brown or orange on top. Flying squirrels are found throughout the northern Canadian provinces and territories, as well as in North Carolina and as far west as California.
The southern flying squirrel is slightly smaller than the northern flying squirrel. It is found in the eastern half of North America.
Prairie Dogs
Adult prairie dogs are an average of 14 to 17 inches long and weigh between 1 and 3 Ibs. They roam the ground and escape to burrows. Prairie dogs are extremely social animals. They have at least 11 identifiable calls that allow them to communicate with each other. If they feel threatened, prairie dogs will warn others with a few nasal yips or squeaks. Prairie dogs are brown with beige sections, but can also be shades of red or yellow.