Siberian tiger males can weigh up to 650 lbs. and be as long as 11 feet; females typically weigh about 350 lbs. Siberian tigers, like all other tiger species, are sexually dimorphic, meaning male and females are distinctly different in appearance. Adult males, for example, are larger and have thicker fur than adult females.
The Siberian tiger's head has many features that help it hunt and kill its prey. The tiger's head is rounded with its eyes facing forward. Its short jaw is filled with 30 teeth designed for killing and eating prey. The canine teeth are the more pronounced and create deep bites, while the carnassial teeth act like knives to cut the meat.
Siberian tigers have bodies designed for stalking prey and making surprise attacks. Their limbs are powerful and extremely flexible, capable of great speeds over short distances. The hind legs of a Siberian tiger are longer than its forelimbs, giving it significant jumping ability; some tigers can jump up to 33 feet in one leap. The tiger's forelimbs and retractable claws are strong enough for grabbing and holding onto its prey.
A Siberian tiger's fur coat acts as a camouflage. It typically has a lighter, more yellowish coat than other tiger species. The stripe pattern of the fur acts as a color disruption, which -- when hiding in vegetation -- helps conceal the shape of the tiger from its prey. Stripe patterns are unique to each individual tiger. White fur is extremely rare, with no wild truly white Siberian tigers ever having been found. White Siberian tigers found in captivity are not pure Siberian tigers, but rather mixes of Siberian and Bengal tigers.