Things You'll Need
Wait until the kitten is between 4 and 5 weeks old unless you can trap the mother as well. Kittens need to drink their mother's milk until they are about that age.
Cut a square of newspaper that is 3 inches wide.
Open a can of mackerel. Mackerel is a fish with a strong scent, which is attractive to the kitten.
Soak the square of newspaper with the mackerel juice.
Place the soaked newspaper on the ground where you want to place the cat trap.
Spoon a small amount of mackerel onto the newspaper.
Place the cat trap on top of the mackerel, allowing the mackerel to push up through the trap's wire bottom. The mackerel should be situated to the rear of the cage, so the kitten has to enter completely to get to the food.
Cover the trip plate in the cat trap with a piece of newspaper.
Set the trap according to the directions that came with it.
Cover the trap with a large towel or a large piece of fabric, leaving the opening clear.
Sit down to wait at a place where you can see the trap but where you are far enough away that you won't scare off the kitten.
Repeat for several nights in a row until you catch the kitten.