Determine the animal's phylum, out of the approximately 40 phyla that comprise Kingdom Animalia, by comparing the animal against the distinguishing characteristics of various phyla -- for example, the distinguishing characteristics of Phylum Mollusca include bilateral symmetry, a lack of body cavity, and an unsegmented body that is highly variable in form.
Figure out which of the classes within that phylum the organism fits into -- like the phyla, each class has a set of distinguishing characteristics. Compare the characteristics of the animal against the distinguishing characteristics of different classes; for example, Class Cephalopoda is distinguished by its members' tentacles -- which may range in number from eight to 90 -- and their specialized foot that enables them to move through the water by siphoning and expelling water.
Decide the order within the class that the animal belongs to, by comparing the animal's characteristics to the distinguishing characteristics of the orders within its class -- for example, Order Octopoda is distinguished by its members' eight tentacles (the word "octopod" means "eight feet").
Within that order, find out which family the animal belongs to by comparing its characteristics to those that define various families; for example, all members of Family Octopodidae have suckers running along their tentacles in single or double file, and have a beak shape that is unique to their family among the octopods.
Determine which genus within that family the animal belongs to, by comparing it to the distinguishing characteristics of the genera within its family; for example, Genus Octopus is the largest genus within family Octopodidae and comprises all octopods that do not fall into small genera such as Hapalochlaena, the poisonous blue-ringed octopus.
Determine the animal's species by comparing it to data on other known specimens. Once you've determined the species, use it to write the animal's Latin name -- Octopus vulgaris, or O. vulgaris, is also known as the common octopus.