Investigate the legal status of whales in your country and determine which species are protected. A lot of whale meat is sold illegally, and if you know this and spot it for sale you can report it to the appropriate authorities, normally the police. If you are uncertain about approaching the police, contact an animal conservation organization for advice and assistance. Whale meat has been sold in numerous countries where, because it comes from protected species, the sellers are breaking the law. These countries include the United States and several European countries.
Participate in letter writing campaigns, putting pressure on the decision makers in whaling countries to ban the practice. If you live in a whaling country, your opinion is important to decision makers, because you have a vote. If you do not live in one of these countries, your opinion is still important because most countries do not want a bad international image, which could lose them tourists or export markets.
Lobby politicians. If you live in a whaling country, directly approach the politicians who decide whether whaling continues. If you don't, ask your representatives to put pressure on whaling countries. Face-to-face meetings with your representatives are very effective. As with letter writing, this type of campaign work is best done in conjunction with a large conservation organization such as the International Fund for Animal Welfare or the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.