Things You'll Need
Turn on a burner of your stove to a medium setting.
Fill the large saucepan half full with tap water and place it on the burner that has been set to medium heat. Allow the water to boil.
Mix the 50 grams of powdered nonfat milk with the pint of distilled water in the large heat-resistant glass bottle.
Place the glass bottle containing the milk mixture into the pan of boiling water, making sure it stays sitting upright, and allow this mixture to reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Monitor this by using the electronic thermometer.
Pour the distilled white vinegar into the milk mixture slowly, while it is still in the boiling water at 105 degrees Fahrenheit, until you see the casein begin to precipitate out into small white blobs.
Take the plastic spatula and press the white blobs against the side of the glass container, allowing any liquid to drain off.
Scrape the drained casein from the sides of the glass container and place it into the small bowl.
Pour the vinegar into the milk mixture and repeat the draining and scraping process until no more casein precipitates.
Turn off the burner and allow the contents of the saucepan to cool. When it has thoroughly cooled, remove the glass bottle and pour its contents down the drain. Pour the remaining water from the saucepan down the drain.
Place a lid on the small plastic container holding the casein until you are ready to use it.