Benthic Zone
The benthic zone is the bottom of any body of water where there are rocks, reefs and any other sunken objects. The zone begins at the shoreline and extends downward to the ocean's bottom. Toadfish inhabit the euphotic portion of the benthic zone, which means they dwell on the bottom up to around 660 feet.
Bottom-Dwelling Habits
Toadfish are ambush predators and as such they are not free-swimming fish. Instead, they hide among rocks and crevices until smaller prey like a small fish or crustacean passes by. At which point they will dart out, attack and drag the prey back to their dens.
Freshwater Dwellers
Toadfish are primarily marine organisms that live in either salt or brackish water, which limits them to the ocean and bays. However, there are a few species, like Allenbatrachus grunniens, that are found in the freshwater rivers in the Indo-Pacific region. Like their marine counterparts, these fish spend most of their time in the benthic regions of freshwater bodies among rocks and wood as ambush predators.
Toadfish can be kept in aquariums; however, they require rather large tanks, and because of their carnivorous nature may be a detriment to other aquarium fish. As they do in the wild, toadfish will stick to the benthic region of your tank, staying along the bottom and hiding themselves among rocks.