What is Harmful?
In some cases, a single bird may be considered a nuisance but not harmful, whereas a grouping of that species could be seen as a threat. This is because in groups, some birds can pose a greater heath risk or cause serious property damage. Also, a bird that is aggressive, unpredictable and physically strong may be seen as harmful because it has the potential of being dangerous to innocent bystanders.
Birds that Spread Disease
Feral pigeons, barn swallows and starlings are among the carriers of as many as 60 transmissible diseases that are harmful to humans. Cryptococcosis (caused by a fungus that leads to pulmonary and central nervous system disorders), histoplasmosis (caused by a fungus that results in respiratory disease) and candidiasis (caused by a fungus that effects the intestines, respiratory and urogenital system) are just a few diseases passed on through exposure to accumulated bird droppings. Pigeons (Columba livia) are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, inhabiting town buildings and costal cliffs. Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) live in barns, gardens and fields throughout North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Common starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) are indigenous to Europe and Asia, but are now found worldwide.
Property and Crop Damage
Woodpeckers are known for property damage, whereas blue jays and crows are considered agricultural crop pests. Woodpeckers consist of 22 species in North America, living in forests and wooded areas. They have caused millions of dollars in damage to homes and building by drilling holes into synthetic siding and wood. Blue jays are distributed throughout North America and Europe. Even though they live in forests and swamps, they are known for damaging nut and fruit crops. The American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) inhabits North America and Mexico, and lives in diverse environments ranging from farms to urban settings. Crows are omnivores that frequently damage fruit and grain crops.
Aggressive Birds
Cassowaries, ostriches and gulls are aggressive, highly territorial birds. They are known to attack and kill humans or animals at the slightest indication that a person could disturb the birds' nests or young. Cassowary is the common name for members of the family Casuariidae. They inhabit the Malay Archipelago and Australia, living on the ground in forests. Ostriches are members of the family Struthionidae, are distributed in Africa and Asia, and are also ground-dwellers. Ostriches are the largest living birds, reaching over 9 feet in height. Gull is the common name for members of the family Laridae. These aquatic birds are widely distributed in North America, where they are called seagulls, and Europe, but live near all oceans.