Hobbies And Interests

Endangered Species of the Mixedwood Plains

The Mixedwood Plains area is the smallest Canadian ecozone. Despite this, the area actually contains half the population of Canada. It runs down the Quebec City-Windsor corridor, which contains Toronto and Montreal, Canada's two largest cities. The Mixedwood Plains contains the St. Lawrence River, its tributaries and three of the Great Lakes. Species commonly found in the area include black bears, moose and cardinals. However, there are also several endangered species on the Mixedwood Plains.
  1. Reptiles and Amphibians

    • There is only one endangered species of amphibian that lives on the Mixedwood Plains, the northern cricket frog. However, the Fowler's toad is listed as a threatened species. Their are two endangered reptile species in the area -- the Lake Erie water snake and the blue racer. The eastern Massasauga rattlesnake, the black rat snake and the spiny soft shell turtle are on the threatened species list for reptiles.


    • There are six varieties of birds on the endangered species list that live on the Mixedwood Plains. These are the loggerhead shrike, the northern bobwhite, the king rail, the Henslow's sparrow, the Acadian flycatcher and the prothonotary warbler. Two more species of bird are listed as threatened -- the Anatum peregrine falcon and the hooded warbler. Barn owls, least bitterns, redheaded woodpeckers and short-eared owls are among those types of bird that have been listed under special concern.


    • There are many plants that populate the Mixedwood Plains are that have become endangered, mostly due to urbanization and use of weed-killers and pesticides. Included on the endangered species list for plants are bluehearts, spotted wintergreens, small white-lady's slippers, Skinner's agalinis, Gattinger's agalinis, large whorled pogonias, cucumber trees, red mulberries, eastern prickly pear cacti, drooping trilliums, wood poppies, purple twayblades, pink milkwort, heart-leaved plaintains, hoary mountain mint, American ginseng and slender bush clover.


    • Fortunately, there aren't any mammals living on the Mixedwood Plains that are on the endangered species list. However, there are some on the special concern species list. It's important to address the problems of the mammals on this list before they become either threatened or endangered. The four mammals on the special concern list are the gray fox, the eastern mole, the southern flying squirrel and the woodland vole.

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