Things You'll Need
Direct your web browser to a tide predictor to find the precise time of the low tide in your particular area. One example of a tide predictor is given in the resources section. Select your geographical region from the list provided. Click on the name of the beach where you want to search for seashells. The tide predictor will provide you the precise times for the high and low tides.
Check the regulations on picking up shells in your particular area. Be aware that in some areas, visitors are not permitted to remove anything, including shells, from the beach.
Prepare for your excursion. You will need sun screen to protect your skin, flip flops to protect your feet and something to hold your shells. Good choices for containers include mesh bags, plastic bags and small buckets.
Walk along the water's edge. Most shells will be found in between the area of high tide and low tide. On some beaches, this area is quite large, so keep a lookout for deposits of shells.
Pick up a shell and examine it. If there is an animal living in it, leave the shell on the beach. In some areas, it is illegal to take live shells if you do not have the required permits. Put the empty shells you find in your bucket or bag.
Wash your shells. Immerse them in a solution made of equal parts bleach and water. Let them soak overnight. This process removes any traces of previous inhabitants and brightens the surface of the shell.