Things You'll Need
Find a shady area in a body of fresh water (lake, pond, marsh, etc.) during the spring or summer, when leeches are most active.
Catch the leeches with the dip net, or gently pry them off what they are holding with the forceps, and place them in a container with water from the collection site.
Bait a metal can with fresh meat, fish or shellfish if you need more leeches. Drill 1/4-inch holes inside the lid of the can. The leeches will get into the can easily but will find it difficult to get back out.
Place the can in a spot where it won't get washed away and let it fill at least partway with water. Once the leeches enter the can and feed, it will be difficult for them to swim out of the holes, so you simply remove the filled can from the water when finished.