Spiny Dogfish Shark
Discovery Channel's website says that spiny dogfish are perhaps the most abundant sharks in the world. The Marine Biodiversity website of the Canadian Shark Research Laboratory describes the spiny dogfish as "a small schooling shark that forms groups of hundreds or thousands of individuals of the same size." Additionally, this shark appears off the coasts of the oceans in all temperate waters. Seaworld's website says that fisherman catch more than 27 million spiny dogfish sharks a year in the coastal waters of Massachusetts.
The Blue Shark
The aptly named blue shark possesses, according to the Marine Biodiversity website, a deep indigo blue coloring along its top side and a vibrant blue on its sides. It ranges across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It can be found from northern waters off the coast of Norway to as far south as the Straits of Magellan. Because of this enormous range, the Canadian Shark Research Laboratory believes that the blue shark "is likely the most prolific of the large shark species as it is abundant throughout its range."
The Sandbar Shark
According to the Aquarium of the Pacific's website, the sandbar shark is the most common species of shark along the U.S. Atlantic Coast. A large shark like the blue shark, the sandbar shark swims along the bottom of the coastal waters and is, according to the Florida Museum of National History, rarely seen at the water's surface. It eats small coastal sea life like fish, crabs and shrimp.
Shark Conservation
One reason why firm population counts and figures are few and far between for sharks (and other forms of marine life) is that humans have overfished the oceans and decimated the populations of many species. Sharks are not only sought after by individual anglers for the challenge involved but are also overfished commercially throughout the world. Many shark species are considered either endangered or threatened by human fishing activities, and according to a SharkSafe, a shark conservation website, some species may have declined by up to 99 percent since the late 20th century. If the trend of overfishing sharks is not reversed, many species may never recover.