Establish a loving relationship with the whale through bonding.
It is essential that the whale trust you in order to get cooperation and train successfully. This can take years and should include such things as touching, hanging out, playing, feeding and cleaning. It is a daily interaction that should vary everyday in order to stimulate and enrich the whale's life.
Reward the whale for positive behavior with fish.
It is important to reward the animal immediately following a correct behavior so they can quickly correlate the behavior to the reward. Also, reward behavior that comes close to what you want; whales are smart and will pick it up fast.
Another way to reward a whale is by rubbing the back, head, fin and tummy.
Re-direct the whale immediately following a mistake or when ignoring your instructions.
When the whale makes a mistake, pause for three seconds, withhold the reward and try again. Never punish the whale, it can damage the relationship and an angry whale is not safe for the trainer.
Start with a basic trick that comes naturally to a whale, such as jumping.
Put a rope in the water and every time the whale crosses over it, provide a reward immediately. Slowly raise the rope higher and higher, rewarding each time, until it is out of the water and the whale is jumping over it.
Tricks such as the high jump and rocket hop are advanced tricks where the trainer is launched into the air on the nose, and should be taught when a solid bond has been established.