Listen to the duck's voice about 10 weeks after birth. Females, which are called hens, have loud quacks, while males have more of a soft and whispery sound.
Look for a curled feather on the top of the tail after the duck is few months old. Males develop this unique feature which is called a drake feather.
Keep track of size as the duck gets older. If it is a Muscovy, it should get almost twice the size of a female by the time it becomes 3 months old. The male's feet can be larger as well.
Look for a green head, a grayish brown body and blue feathers on the back of a male mallard. The feathers change colors close to summer's end due to an eclipse molt, where the colors of their feathers resemble more of a female and get lighter. The colors will change back again later in the year. Females are spotted brown with a white tail and blue feathers.
Watch for behavioral traits during the nesting time. Males will guard the eggs and chase others away, while females lay on the eggs to keep them warm.