If a buyer wants to purchase a horse, the veterinarian will likely request all records on the horse's health. The records should show if the horse received all of its necessary vaccines, such as stomach and heart worms, X-ray records, and if the horse has any breeding history. Health information should contain the health history of the horse's two parents as well.
A veterinarian needs to make sure the horse is capable of sensing its environment properly. Eye exams consist of seeing if the eye has any physical abnormalities and seeing if the horse can follow an object, such as a person's hand. Smell and taste are also tested, usually by presenting a small piece of food at a distance from the horse. Physical examinations of the mouth and ears are also part of the exam.
X-rays are common for horses because the strength of their muscles and bones are important for buyers. A veterinarian will X-ray most of the body, but particular attention is given to the bones of each leg on a horse. she wants to make sure the bone is healthy in each leg. If the bones show any sign of weakness, the buyer may refuse to purchase the horse.
Organ Examination
A veterinarian will perform a detailed exam on the internal organs of the horse. Using a stethoscope, he will listen to the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory system and the heart of the horse.He also will recommend that the horse perform some physical activity so he can listen to how the heart sounds after running. Blood tests may be taken to see if any parasites or organ issues are present.