Things You'll Need
Bring your dog to its favorite resting place. Examples include a doggy bed, near the door or near a food dish. Tell your dog to lie down. Have your dog roll onto its side and kneel beside the dog. Grab the dog's top leg and expose the right most nail by gently squeezing down on the knuckle with your index finger and thumb of your dominate hand.
Hold the nail in place and grab the clippers with your other hand. If the dog starts to resist, raise your right elbow and block the attempts to stand up. Reassure the dog and keep your demeanor caring and supportive. Place the nail through the clipper. If the nail is clear, line up the blade a quarter-inch in front the edge of the pink area of the nail. The pink area is called the quick and should not be cut. If the nail is opaque, line the blade to cut off one-eighth of an inch from the tip, ensuring that it has been at least a couple of months since the last cut.
Press on the clipper to clip the nail. Place the clippers down and reassure your dog. Pet the dog and give it a treat. Maintain a happy care-free composure. Repeat for the rest of the nails on the paw. Do not forget about the fifth nail, the dew claw, on the inside of the paw. Repeat process for the top back paw. Have the dog flip over and repeat for both paws on the other side.