To Market
Pigs are rarely allowed to grow to their full weight, and are slaughtered at various stages. A porker is between 66 and 120 pounds (30 to 55kgs) dressed weight or what it weighs when it's prepared for consumption. A baconer is between 140 and 180 pounds (64 to 82kgs) dressed weight, while a butcher hog is about 220 pounds (100kgs).
White Pigs: Landraces and Others
The landrace breed is found throughout the world, and many countries have their own variety of landrace. The word landrace refers to a domestic animal or plant that's been adapted to the natural environment where it originated. The landrace pig is considered docile. The sows are good mothers and can produce litters of 12 piglets or more. The American landrace is a long white hog descended from the Danish landrace and the large white hog of England. It has big floppy ears that cover its face.
The Yorkshire and Others
The Yorkshire is also a white hog, with a very long and distinguished history in England and America. The British Lop, named for its ears that also cover its face, was established in 1920 and is present in the south of England. There's also the Bulgarian White and the Chester White, which was first bred in Chester County, Penn. The Czech improved white was developed from the large white, the German landrace and local swine.
Black Pigs: The Beijing Black and Others
The Beijing Black is a usually black pig that is a cross between the Berkshire, the Large White and local Chinese breeds. The Fengjing has a wrinkled face, much like a Shar Pei dog. Piglets reach puberty at 2 to 3 months of age. The Large Black was descended from the black pigs of Devon, Cornwall and East Anglia in England.
The Mukota, Mulefoot and Tibetan
There are two types of black Mukota pigs. One is short and fat with a short snout, the other is longer, with a long nose and back. Both are from Zimbabwe. Mulefoot hogs are unusual in that they have a solid hoof, like a mule. They are very rare, and if allowed to, can weigh from 400 to 600 pounds when 2 years old. The Tibetan pig weighs about 77 pounds at maturity and is very agile, but doesn't have large litters: only five piglets at a time.