Birch Wood
A traditional bird call craft is made using a piece of birch wood, a basic screw, a metal instrument and some powdered rosin. Create a small hole on one end of the birch wood where you will insert the screw with a screwdriver. On the opposite, hollow end, add a small amount of powdered rosin. Fix the metal instrument into the hollow end and twist to create the sounds of a bird.
Clothes Pin
A simpler bird call than the birch wood model involves a clothes pin, electrical tape and a sturdy rubber band. Break down the clothes pin and discard the metal spring. Wrap each end of each clothes pin piece with electrical tape. Place one strip of the rubber band along the flat side of one of the clothes pin halves. Place the other half of the clothes pin on top, keeping the rubber band in between. Twist the rubber band and wrap it around both sides of the combined clothes pin to connect the craft together. When you pass air through the gap between the clothes pin halves, you will create a bird call that is especially helpful in attracting quails.