Intelligent and Curious
The Sheltie is an active, intelligent and curious dog. While affectionate with its own people, it can be wary, but not fearful of, strangers. Its herding instinct is so pronounced that it will even bark at and herd humans. The breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1911 and by the English Kennel Club in 1909.
Head, Body, Eyes
The Shetland sheepdog should have a well-balanced head and body, with what looks like a long back but isn't. The illusion is caused by the correct proportion of the shoulders and the hindquarters. His eyes should be medium-sized and dark. Eyes that are light or too large are considered faults in the breed, and blue eyes are permissible only in dogs with a marle blue coat. A marle coat is a solid base color like brown or black with lighter blue gray or reddish patches over it, which gives the coat a mottled look.
Skull, Muzzle, Chest and Feet
The sheepdog's skull and the muzzle should be of equal length, and the nose must be black. The lips must be tight, with a tight fit of the upper lips on the lower. The teeth are level and nicely spaced, with a scissors bite, which means the upper incisors overlap the lower incisors. The chest should be broad, and an ideal sheepdog's body should have barrel ribs and give an overall impression of sturdiness. The sheltie should never have a spitz tail, which curls over the back. The feet should be oval and compact with arched toes that fit snugly together. Feet that turn in or out or cause the dog to have a mincing or hopping gait are faults. The sheltie should trot when she walks.
The sheltie's double coat should have a long and harsh outer coat, while the undercoat should be short, furry and very dense. The hair on the face should be smooth, and the mane and frill should be abundant. Like the rough collie, this should be especially noticeable in the male. Black, blue marle, gold and mahogany with some white or tan markings are acceptable colors. A dull coat is a fault, and too much white will get the dog disqualified if the owner wants to show it.