Increase airflow inside the tank. One of the keys to reducing humidity inside an aquarium, cage or tank is to have proper airflow. Moisture will collect in stagnant air very quickly. Using a wire mesh top will allow air to flow out easier with little obstruction. For taller tanks, you may wish to drill ventilation holes in the lower portions of the tank and cover them with mesh to promote airflow. Adding a fan to the top of a tank is another way to increase healthy air circulation.
Remove moisture producing plants from the tank. Plants that require frequent watering will produce more moisture than those that don't. Look for plants that are found in the animal's natural environment as a means of controlling proper humidity.
Add a dehumidifier in the room near the aquarium. The average humidity in the house or room can affect the humidity in the aquarium. Lowering the surrounding room humidity can help control the moisture in the tank.
Install a heat lamp to provide a basking spot for the animal. Most heat lamps will dry the air inside a tank and adding one is a great way to provide warmth and lower humidity. Just be sure that the temperature stays tolerable for the animal and that it has a place to escape from the heat if it needs to cool down.