Things You'll Need
Install a wildlife pond in your garden. The simplest method is to purchase a preformed pond shell from a garden supply store, dig an appropriately sized hole, add a couple of inches of garden soil and a few small rocks to the shell, fill it with tap water, and leave it to settle for about a week. This allows the chlorine in the tap water to naturally disappear before you add anything else.
Add native aquatic plants to the pond. These plants provide places for newts to lay their eggs. A local conservation group can provide advice on choosing or finding the most suitable plants for your region.
Collect a bucket of water from an established wildlife pond and pour it into yours. This water contains the microorganisms a wildlife pond needs. They will arrive by themselves in time, but this hastens the process.
Provide hiding places on land for adult newts. A pile of undisturbed logs, several strategically placed rocks, and emergent plants around the edge of the pond form perfect resting places.