Things You'll Need
Use a 2-quart or larger livestock bottle to give the calves their milk. You can buy these at most ranch or feed stores.
Purchase a milk replacer for cattle. These formulas are also found at ranch or feed stores or through the stores' websites.
Mix the milk replacer in the bottle per the label's instructions and for the age of the calf. Use warm water to make the milk. In the April 2003 edition of the newsletter "Calving Ease," the authors recommend the milk be about 102 degrees. You can keep multiple bottles warm while feeding by placing the calves in a bucket of very hot water.
Offer the calf the bottle by showing it the bottle nipple and gently rubbing the nipple around the calf's mouth. If the calf doesn't take the bottle quickly, push on the nipple to dribble some milk on and inside the calf's mouth to encourage it to drink.
Bottle-feed the calf twice a day -- in the morning and evening -- until the calf is about three months old. Calves will take about 2 quarts of milk replacement at each feeding. However, this amount will vary by individual and by age of the calf. Allow the calf to drink until it is full and leaves the bottle. If the calf is growing well and gaining weight, you can allow it to determine how much it needs to drink.
Put out hay and water as you would for adult cattle in an accessible location for the calves. The hay and water should be available at all times, no matter the age of the calf, and refreshed daily.