Confusion in whales is caused when sonar sounds disrupt the animal's ability to navigate through the ocean. Some navy sonar operates around or above 235 decibels, according to Natural Resources Defense Counsel. Marine mammals become disoriented and unable to find food when sonar frequencies rise.
Surfacing too quickly damages the body and internal organs of whales and dolphins, according to the Natural Resources Defense Counsel. Sonar frequencies can cause marine animals to react in ways different than the norm. When a whale rises through the water too quickly, it damages the body by causing internal organs to bubble and making the ears bleed.
Beaching occurs when a whale or other marine mammal forces itself onto land instead of staying in the ocean. Mother Nature Network suggests that the loud sonar can cause marine animals to panic and move to escape from the sounds. Unfortunately, this leads to beaching in some cases. Animals beaching themselves often die before they are rescued.
Communication between marine animals is disrupted by sonar activity. The sound overwhelms natural frequencies in the ocean leaving water mammals unable to communicate and find mates.