Flies are some of the most common insects to be found in homes throughout North Carolina. Of these the housefly is one of the most numerous species and is also the most common of all domestic flies. Other common flies in North Carolina homes are the metallic blue, green or black blowflies, which have light gray or tan bodies that are covered in hairs, giving them a fuzzy appearance.
There are three types of cockroaches that are common to homes in North Carolina. The most common is the German cockroach. This is a dark brown insect, measuring around half-an-inch with two dark brown stripes near its head. Although the adults have wings, they rarely fly. The largest cockroach that can be found in North Carolina homes, at one to one-and-a-half inches, is the American cockroach. This species is dark brown with light brown colouring near its head and is usually found in basements, in sewers and under sinks, due to the fact that it likes moist places. The American cockroach is winged but flightless. The Oriental cockroach is the least common of the three cockroaches and is usually found just outside the home, under wood piles, in sewers and in animal waste. These cockroaches are less than an inch long, dark brown in color and while males have short wings, females have almost no wings at all.
The spiders that are most likely to be found in North Carolina homes are those that live in a loose collection of webbing that they have built themselves. For most of the day, they remain out of sight, coming out to hunt for prey at night. The wolf spider is an example of this type of spider. Although most spiders in North Carolina do not inflict serious or painful injury, there are a few that do. The black widow and the brown recluse are the most well-known of these poisonous spiders.
Several species of ants can commonly be found in North Carolina homes. The most common of these ants are the odorous house ant, the Argentine ant, the carpenter ant and the pharaoh ant. Homes and businesses in this area have also been invaded by the red imported fire ant.
Termites that live under the ground--subterranean termites--are common in North Carolina homes. These insects move up into the structure of homes. There are at least three types of swarmers, winged adult termites, in North Carolina. These termites are sometimes confused with ants as they tend to swarm at the same time.