Bengal Tiger
The Bengal tiger lives in the sundarban regions of India, Bangladesh and Indonesia. It's recognizable by its reddish orange fur and long black stripes. The Tiger prefers to live alone, and often hunts small animals that live on the forest floor. Unlike other cats, they like water and will swim across rivers. The Bengal tiger is an endangered species because of over-killing. Their body parts are used in traditional Chinese and Korean medicines. They're also hunted for sport. The loss of rainforest habitat has also meant less prey for them.
Chimpanzees used to live in the rainforests in many countries but now only survive in African rainforests near the equator. They live in the canopy layer of the biome, swinging from branches with their long arms. They feed on fruit, leaves, insects and small plants. Their endangerment is mainly because of deforestation and a loss of habitat. However, even in protected areas, chimpanzees are still hunted by humans for their meat.
Poison Dart Frog
Poison dart frogs come in more than 240 species, and one-third of them release toxins from the glands in their skin. Their bodies are multicolored, which helps them camouflage themselves among the colorful plants of the biome. They live in the understory layer of the rainforest, which is where reptiles, large predators and insects live. They feed on ants and insects rich in toxic alkaloids because they do not produce the toxins themselves. The main reasons for their endangerment are a change in climate, a loss of habitat and use of pesticides.
Golden Lion Tamarin
Golden lion tamarins are a species of monkey. They weigh 500 to 600 g and have orange-yellow fur. They live in the canopy layer of the rainforest and sleep in tree holes. They have a diet of small lizards, fruit and insects that live high in the trees. They can only be found in the rainforests of Brazil in small numbers in unconnected areas. They are endangered because the small groups of the species don't allow them to breed much. They're also hunted for their soft, golden fur.
Harpy Eagle
The harpy eagle is believed to be the largest eagle in the world. It lives in the Mexican rainforest bordering Argentina, in the top layer of the biome. They are dark gray and white, and grow large feathers for their wings. They feed on tree-dwelling animals such as monkeys, reptiles and sloths. In the wild they live 25 to 35 years. Logging is the main reason why they are endangered. They are also hunted for sport.