Native Texas Coastal Plains Birds
Native birds to the coastal plains of Texas include common North American birds such as the mockingbird, blue jay, woodpeckers, great blue heron, common loon, wrens and swallows, as well as regional birds such as the red-eyed vireo, pied-billed grebe, hooded warbler and ovenbird. Common Gulf beach birds also include many species of gulls, terns and pelicans. The varied habitat of the Texas coastal plains includes coastal beaches, marshes and inland habitats which makes it a very diverse area for wild birds.
Migratory Texas Coatal Plains Birds
The neotropical environment makes the coastal plains region of Texas a popular spot for the winter migration of many species of birds. Flocks of a variety of geese such as Canadian, greater-white, snow and blue geese migrate there for the winter. The only natural flock of whooping cranes, the largest and rarest bird in North America, migrates to the coastal plain marshes for the winter in the beginning of October.
Nesting Texas Coastal Plains Birds
Notable birds that nest in the coastal plains of Texas are the bald eagle and the roseate spoonbill. Bald eagles nest December through February along the Gulf coast marshes. The unusual roseate spoonbill, a relative to the flamingo, comes to the Texas coastal plains for nesting every March through June.
The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail
The region of Texas coastal plains is home to The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail, which offers bird watchers one of the most diverse wild bird sanctuaries in the world. It is a state park that follows the entire Gulf coast of Texas and has a paved road tour as well as hiking trails and observation decks to view this rich area of birds in their natural habitat. With 308 birding sites and 43 separate hiking trails, bird watchers can enjoy a variety of avian wildlife anytime of the year. The best known area of the park is the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, which is the location for the migrating whooping cranes every winter.