Physical Differences
Bobcats are smaller than Canadian lynx, and their legs are shorter. The bobcat's tail is longer, and has three or four black bars. The lynx's tail is shorter, with a solid black tip. The lynx also has longer ear tufts, and bigger feet.
The bobcat feeds on a wide range of animals, from deer to rodents. While Canadian lynx may eat small rodents when its preferred food is scarce, it prefers to feed exclusively on the snowshoe hare.
Bobcats range over a much larger area than Canadian lynx. The bobcat is found from the southern part of Canada south through Mexico. The Canadian lynx's range is from Alaska to the northern United States, and south through the Rocky Mountains.
Hunting Techniques
The bobcat tends to pounce on its prey from above, preferring to jump from trees or rocks, while the lynx hunts mainly on the ground. In deep snow, the bobcat's narrower feet tend to sink in, while the lynx's bigger feet spread out to give it better traction. The thick hair between its toes acts as a snowshoe.