Causes of Fracture
The coffin bone is called the third phalanx, PIII or pedal bone. Causes of fracture are usually trauma and stress from a hard blow, infection, running on hard ground or twisting motions when running.
A fracture through the center of the coffin bone is severe because it may involve the short, pastern bone. These two bones help form the foundation upon which the horse stands, and such a fracture can cause lameness. The horse may hobble on three legs, the affected foot will be warm and the entire sole will be painful.
Other Facts
A fracture on either side of the coffin bone is usually less severe, and heals quickly. X-rays are used to determine location of fracture. Serious fractures might result in arthritis or permanent lameness. Special shoes immobilizing the coffin bone keep weight off the affected area while the bone is healing.