Prohibit Hunting
One of the main ways of protecting endangered species is to enact specific laws that make it illegal to kill them, and this approach is especially useful when hunting is the main reason the animal or plant is endangered. The penalties for these laws can vary quite a bit depending on the level of endangerment and the culture where the law is enacted. Sometimes fines are used, and in other cases, violations could even lead to severe consequences like jail.
Habitat Protection
Many species become endangered because their habitat is being destroyed. People often destroy habitats when they expand for farming or building. Some countries have enacted laws to prohibit destruction of habitat, and sometimes this is handled by protecting specific areas, such as rainforests. It can be difficult for countries to juggle the needs of endangered animals with the needs of the human population, and this can make these provisions controversial.
Education is helpful in protecting endangered species. When people learn the facts about animals and plants, they're often much more willing to protect them. Sometimes a misunderstanding or ignorance can be responsible for attitudes that cause people to kill animals, and teaching them about those creatures can change attitudes. It's also common for people to be unaware that a species is endangered, and when they learn the facts, they may change their behavior.
Personal Behavior
Sometimes people can do things in their day-to-day lives that make a difference for endangered species. For example, if you use less paper, there's less need for cutting down trees, and this can protect animal habitats. Some individuals also boycott products that have the potential to harm endangered animals. In singular form, these things may only make a small difference, but they can sometimes add up to make an important contribution if enough people get on board.