Things You'll Need
Watch your cat play and note his personality traits. Does he get bored easily? Does he hide from strangers? Is he always underneath your feet? Write down his habits so that you can talk to a trainer or cat expert in detail about your cat.
Make a list of the things that you would like to teach your cat. Do you want him to learn typical dog commands? Do you want him to simply be friendlier to strangers? It is easier to ask questions when you have a specific goal in mind.
Write down any questions you already have about training your cat.
Talk to your friends or join an Internet forum for cat lovers. Ask other people what types of questions they asked when training their cats.
Search the newspaper or the Internet for nearby cat trainers and obedience schools for cats.
Set up an appointment to meet with the cat trainer or cat expert. Take your notebook with the list of training questions so you do not forget anything.
Ask all of the questions in your notebook and jot down the answers so that you can read them later.