Things You'll Need
Distinguish most bees by the hairiness of parts of their bodies and their rotundity. Many, including the familiar honeybees and bumblebees as well as digger and cuckoo bees, are vividly marked with black and yellow banding or splotches. The rear legs of most bees show enlarged, flattened segments toward their base. Stingers are often not especially prominent.
Identify stinging ants by their kinked antennae, large heads and narrow bodies. Though we most commonly envision ants as wingless, entirely terrestrial creatures, queen ants and males often possess wings during certain times of year. Some of the most notorious stinging insects are ants, including fire ants and the South American bullet ant, said to deliver one of the most painful stings of any creature.
Identify wasp species by their large wings, bold coloration and often prominent ovipositors. Wasps come in many shapes and sizes, from the highly slender mud daubers to honeybee-like yellow jackets to heavy-bodied hornets. One of the most painful stings in the world is delivered by a species of tarantula hawk wasp of the American Southwest, an insect named for its habit of paralyzing tarantulas and laying eggs inside for the larvae to feast upon.