Things You'll Need
Introduce several brine shrimp to the aquarium near where the mantis shrimp resides in the live rock. Acclimate the mantis shrimp to feed on the brine shrimp.
Cut a square section of plastic from one side of the clear plastic bag, large enough to cover the mouth of the plastic cup. Dispose of the remainder of the bag. Place the square section of plastic over the mouth of the cup, leaving a half-inch space between one edge of the plastic section and the edge of the cup.
Place the rubber band around the cup to hold the square section of plastic in place over the mouth of the cup. Tie one end of the string around the cup.
Place some aquarium gravel in the cup to weigh it down. Fill the cup with aquarium water. Place four or five brine shrimp in the cup.
Sink the cup to the bottom. Lay the cup on its side near the mantis shrimp lair. Wait for the mantis shrimp to enter the cup to feed on the brine shrimp. Once the mantis shrimp begins feeding, pull the cup up and out of the aquarium with the string.