Things You'll Need
Assess the degree of injury after the sting. General symptoms are similar to bee stings and include a burning sensation, rash, redness, inflammation and possibly nausea for a couple hours. For those who are sensitive to these types of stings severe reactions may occur and treatment by a physician may be necessary.
If still present on the body, remove the caterpillar and/or the remaining stinging spines from the skin. Use forceps for the caterpillar instead of bare hands, and place duct tape, scotch tape or other adhesive to the site of the sting to strip the skin of the spines and toxins.
Wash the site of the sting with warm or hot water and soap to cleanse the area of any remaining irritants. Remove and wash contaminated clothes.
Apply an ice pack over the affected area to reduce pain and swelling. If desired, after swelling is reduced apply a compress of baking soda and water or topical corticosteroids to further reduce swelling and promote healing. Oral pain medication may be ineffective in reducing pain. However, antihistamines may be administered to reduce itching or burning. Reapply the ice pack as needed and monitor the sting site for a few days to ensure there are no further adverse reactions or oncoming infections.
Take measures to avoid or prevent further encounters with the saddleback caterpillar. Be aware of what time of year they are in this larval stage, where they may be hiding and what they look like. Teach children what to look for and to leave it alone if they encounter one. Brush them away with a stick or gloves, not bare hands. They are not numerous enough to be considered pests, so pesticides are not necessary and should not be used.