Hobbies And Interests

Types of Non-Venomous Snakes in Pennsylvania

Venomous snakebites are a rare occurrence in Pennsylvania because the majority of slithery species found there are not poisonous. Twenty-two species of these cold-blooded creatures are native to Pennsylvania, 18 of which are non-venomous.

One of the striking visual differences between non-venomous and venomous snakes in that area is found in the eyes. Non-venomous have round pupils--similar to a human's--while poisonous snakes have vertical, elliptical-shaped pupils.
  1. Eastern Garter Snake

    • The Eastern Garter Snake is a non-venomous snake found in Pennsylvania habitats, from open fields and forests to marshes and human habitations. However, they are most often spotted around trash dumps, quarries and vacant lots. This snake is medium-sized, averaging 20 to 28 inches, and colorful, with skin color of dark green, olive, olive brown, tan, black or brown. Stripes in cream, white, yellow, tan, brown or gray also mark this snake. The head is usually gray, olive, tan, brown, black or a reddish coloration.

    Rough Green Snake

    • The Rough Green Snake resides mostly in woodland waterways, such as lakes, moist meadows and river borders. Look up to find them, too, as these non-venomous snakes live predominantly in trees and shrubs. The top skin is mostly light green, with a cream, yellow or yellowish underside. These snakes are long and slender, averaging 22 to 32 inches. The Rough Green Snake has a slender neck and large eyes.

    Northern Racer

    • Northern Racers are large, slender snakes--usually solid bluish or black--with a gray underside. This non-venomous snake's scales are big and smooth, and eyes also large and beady. The average length ranges from 36 to 60 inches. The Northern Racer is found in meadows, rock formations, under logs and in open wooded areas.

    Eastern Milk Snake

    • The Eastern Milk Snake is found, as its name implies, in predominantly eastern counties. This medium-sized, non-venomous snake averages 24 to 52 inches, with a small head and smooth scales. It comes in several colors: gray, beige, olive brown, pinkish brown. Markings include a pattern of 30 to 47 large, square, brownish blotches with one large "v", "u" or "y-shaped" blotch on the head. The Eastern Milk Snake is found in the open country, forests and in human habitats, often in building debris.

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