Hobbies And Interests

How to Flesh a Deer Hide

Removing the flesh from a deer hide is the first step in the tanning process. It is important that all of the flesh be removed, as any flesh that is not removed can hinder the final tanning process. Removing the flesh starts with skinning the deer and removing the hide from the carcass. This includes cutting into the tail and removing all bones from that area as well. In removing the hide from the carcass, as much meat as possible and all of the bones should be left behind.

Things You'll Need

  • Sawhorses
  • Dull long-bladed knife
  • Old clothes or smock
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      Skin the deer carefully, making cuts on the inside of the legs, the belly and the underside of the tail. Remove the hide, leaving behind as much of the meat as possible.

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      Lay the hide (flesh side up) on a set of sawhorses or a flat surface, such as a table or workbench. Work in the shade, not in direct sun, as you do not want the hide to dry out while you are working on it. Wear old clothing or a smock, as the process can be messy.

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      Scrape the flesh away from the inside of the hide with a long-handled dull knife. Hold the knife at a 45-degree angle and scrape it along the inner surface of the hide, scraping off all flesh. Scrape away from yourself, rather than toward yourself. Work in small areas, cleaning one area and then moving to the next. Do not scrape through the hide, as holes made in the hide will be unsightly when the hide is tanned.

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      Rinse the hide with water and inspect it for any remaining flesh. Scrape the final remaining bits of flesh off the inside of the hide with your knife, held at just a slight angle as you scrape it away from you.

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