Things You'll Need
When you notice a bear approaching, calmly let everyone in your party know. Ideally, no one should stray too close to the animal and you should appear as a united front. It is important to stay calm and keep an eye on the bear at all times.
While facing the bear, blow your whistle loudly. Available as key or compass attachments through many sporting goods stores, bear whistles are inexpensive but effective in startling a bear into retreat. You can also use bells, air horns or any other noisemaker.
See whether the initial noise has caused the bear to turn around. A bear lurking near camping grounds might be used to people and thus more difficult to scare. If the bear does not leave, stay where you are and stand as tall as possible. Waving your arms in conjunction with blowing the whistle repeatedly at full volume should alarm the bear enough to back off.
If the bear does not retreat immediately, do not run away or try to climb a tree. The bear will most likely lose interest in your group after realizing there is no food. Campers without a bear whistle should shout loudly to further intimidate the bear.