Choosing String
There is nothing more frustrating to a duck hunter than having to untangle his decoy strings. You don't want to always worry about your strings breaking. Use tarred decoy cord. While plastic-based cord won't tangle, it will break when used in cold weather. Tarred decoy cord, on the other hand, won't break easily in cold temperatures and the heavier the tarred cord you buy, the less likely it is to tangle.
String Length
When rigging single decoys, you want to get your string length just right so the duck decoys swing a little with each wave. A string that is too short will uproot your decoy's anchor in high winds, while a string that is too long will cause the decoys to become tangled. To calculate your length of string, multiple your water depth by 2.5. Since water depth varies within the same body of water, cut your string for the deepest depth. When you place your duck decoys in shallower water, simply wind excess string around the keel of the decoy and tie a loop knot to keep it from slipping.
Choosing an Anchor
When choosing an anchor for your duck decoy, you want to take into account three factors: how the anchor will perform in strong winds and currents; the damage the anchor may do to the decoys when they're stored in a decoy bag; and how well the anchor will stay attached to the decoy. Discount Duck Decoy recommends using a J-styled decoy anchor when rigging your duck decoys.
Avoiding Tangles
Use a gang-rigged set to avoid tangled strings. A gang set --- also known as mother rigs or long lines --- connects several decoys to a single line. It only utilizes one or two anchors, instead of multiple anchors, for each duck decoy. Fewer anchors means fewer tangles, as well as less time setting your decoys up and retrieving them from the water. Gang-rigged sets also work well in heavy river currents.
Decoy Duck Motion
You need to give your duck decoy motion so it looks lifelike and lures in other ducks. Instead of spending extra money on a battery-operated motion duck, turn one of your decoy ducks into a motion duck by rigging it correctly. Attach the line to the front of the keel or the decoy's bill. Run the line through a hole in your anchor. You keep hold of the other end of the string. When you pull on the sting, the decoy's head gets yanked under water so its tail sticks up in the air, just like a feeding duck.