Sasquatch sightings have been reported worldwide, but most take place in the Pacific Northwest and in western Canadian woodlands. A University of Illinois study determined that the Sasquatch's likely habitat also coincided with the habitats of black bears and other large mammals that could be mistaken for a Sasquatch.
Alleged Evidence
Roger Patterson filmed a tall, ape-like humanoid in 1967, presenting his footage as proof that the Sasquatch existed. Sasquatch hunters have found and preserved hundreds of humanoid footprints in the Pacific Northwest, claiming that the 14 to 15-inch prints are evidence of the Sasquatch's presence.
Hoax Claims
Bob Heironimus debunked the Patterson film by confessing to the Washington Post that he dressed up in a gorilla suit to provide the movie's Sasquatch. Other hoaxers have confessed to constructing oversize feet to create Sasquatch prints at logging sites and other heavily trafficked areas where Sasquatch sightings were reported.