Plaster Dig
Place plastic dinosaur bones or figurines in a milk carton filled with wet plaster of paris. Leave one or two with parts peeking out as clues for where to dig. Create one of these dinosaur cartons for each child, or to share between two children. Give the kids spoons, paintbrushes, and other safe tools to dig out the dinosaurs. Beforehand you can print up a guide for each child, with pictures of the different bones or dinosaurs next to information about them. Young dinosaur hunters can then identify their finds.
Putting It Together
Wooden dinosaur models are inexpensive, and also hardy against breakage. Choose one that will be suitable for the age group of the children, and bury the pieces in a tub of clean sand. Give the children big and small paint brushes to sift through the sand, as well as other safe tools such as spoons and small plastic beach tools. Once all the pieces have been found, have them assemble the dinosaur. Just in case any of the pieces go missing, buy a backup model that you can use as a source for spares.
Digging in Your Food
Create a fun snack by burying dinosaur bones, eggs and figurines in food. Chocolate Easter eggs in colorful gelatin makes a delicious treat. You can bury dinosaur bones shaped from chocolate or cookies in chocolate pudding. Make sure the objects are big enough that they will not pose a choking hazard. If they are not edible, they also need to be large enough not to be accidentally swallowed.