Things You'll Need
Brew approximately 1/2 cup of coffee and let it cool. Reserve the grounds in the filter, making sure they remain slightly damp.
Mix the liquid coffee and grounds with 1/2 cup of salt and 1 cup of flour. Knead the mixture with your hands until it is smooth and thick like bread dough or modeling clay. The liquid coffee and grounds gives the mixture the texture and appearance of stone.
Tear off a palm-sized piece of dough and roll it into a ball. Rub a little olive oil over a leaf, shell or plastic bug. Firmly press the object into the dough ball.
Crinkle up a piece of wax paper to give it texture, then smooth it out slightly. Press the bottom of the dough ball into the wax paper so the dough takes on the paper's texture. Let everything harden overnight.
Gently peel away the wax paper and pull out the "fossilized" object. The dough should be hard as stone with the same color and texture. Use sandpaper to roughen the edges of the hardened ball or sand divots into the surface.